
We are proud to be able to provide an overview product catalog on the Jepara Furniture Manufacture website, which is one of the Indonesian Furniture Manufactures that was established in 1993. We have exported furniture to all corners of the world.

We continue to innovate with our furniture products. And Jepara Furniture Manufacture also opens up opportunities for third parties to mass-produce their furniture products.

Every finished furniture is always checked for quality. From the selection of materials, semi-finished products to finished products, we ensure that all have passed the best quality standards.

Product Catalog

Jepara Furniture Manufacture also packs furniture products ordered from customers carefully. Coated with thick cardboard, so that when shipping by sea all products reach the customer’s hands in good and perfect condition.

The following is a small catalog of Jepara Furniture Manufacture furniture products. If you are interested, you can do Add To Quote to place an order. You can ask price information directly with our marketing via live chat below.

Outdoor Furniture

Indoor Furniture